Daytona 3: Spring Break 1997

I was a member of Ghetto Style Car Club when in lived in Jacksonville, FL. Each year we talked about what car shows we would attend as a club. We finally had everything in place in 1997 to show our club pride in Daytona Beach for Spring Break.

There were over a dozen of us. We met up in Jacksonville then formed a convoy heading south down I95. We arrived in Daytona Beach around midday. It wasd too early to check into our hotel so we cruised up & down A1A (the main highway along the beachfront) and on the beach itself.

This was at least my 3rd trip to Daytona Beach and felt I knew the area fairly well. We spent a bit of time cruising or parked on the strip watching others cruise. We had a club dinner at a BBQ restaurant, visited the local stores and generally just hung out having a nice weekend escape away from our hometown of Jacksonville.

The next day we cruised the beach and the strip more then wenmnt across the Intracoastal Waterway to Daytona itself and went to a car show there. We also passed Daytona International Speedway, the NASCAR museum and the Harley Davidson dealership. This area was full of landmarks alog the main East-West highway from I-95 to the beach.

It was a great trip. We created memories that we still look back on fondly.